Eric Morley, Founder
Email: ekm@carolinatimberworks.com
Eric gets around: born in Monrovia Liberia, kicked out of Tripoli Libya as a result of Colonel Gadhafi’s coup d’état in 1969, he grew up in Switzerland & France, graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and earned his MBA (Honors) from Appalachian State University in 1992. Eric is a lifetime Timber Framer’s Guild member, served on the Timber Framers Guild Board of Directors as Vice President, has served on the Timber Frame Business Council Board of Directors, is a licensed General Contractor, and teaches an AIA Continuing Education course on timber framing. He is a published photographer, FAA part 107 licensed commercial drone pilot, powered paraglider pilot, and has bicycled the complete Blue Ridge Parkway from Staunton, VA to Cherokee, NC (469 miles, 50,800′ climb).
First question for Eric: When we can force him to be interviewed, his answer will appear here.
Second question for Eric: See above.