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How to Build a Home on an Island: Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons Learned
Building on an Island: What You Need to Know Building a home on an island is a dream for many—but the logistics can quickly turn into a nightmare if you’re not prepared. From transporting materials by barge to dealing with…
Timber Frame Builders
If you’re in the market for a timber frame builder, we’re happy you found us. But there’s something we should clarify. Technically, we aren’t builders—meaning we don’t usually fill the general contractor role. Put another way, we do build timber…
Reclaimed Hand Hewn Beams
Hand hewn beams or: putting old wood back to work this started with a question A builder who purchased reclaimed wood trusses for his client asked if we’d send some information on the original source of old hand hewn beams….
What Is Sustainability?
For nearly two decades, Carolina Timberworks has pursued sustainable building practices. Today, our passion for contributing to a sustainable future only continues to grow. Curious why we’re so invested and what this pursuit means to us? Let’s talk sustainability. What…
Timber Frame Construction
Are you curious about the history and the basics of timber frame construction? Let’s look at how this building method has withstood the test of time and why it may be the right choice for your next building project. What…
Timber Frame Building
Here’s the thing about timber frame building: it might be the perfect construction method. After all, the origins of timber framing date back nearly 2,000 years—and the basic elements haven’t changed much over nearly two millennia. Today, timber framing still…
What is Timber Framing?
Timber Frame Truss Design: A How to Guide
The sexiest TFEC* report ever. When a timber frame truss is designed as a collaboration between a talented architect, an experienced timber engineer, and an experienced timber framer, the result is often a work of art. There are two ways…
How We Use Timber Framing Tools
When you admire the majestic beamwork and intricate joinery of a timber frame structure, you might wonder just what it takes to build something like that. Although it’s possible to lay out and cut a timber frame with surprisingly few…
A Guide to Timber Frame Home Kits
Are you considering building a timber frame home but wonder if there might be a simpler approach than designing a custom plan? At Carolina Timberworks, we get a lot of questions about timber frame home kits. While we don’t offer…
Why You Should Visit Your Timber Frame Company
Google Fiber Charlotte: Benefits of Adaptive Reuse in Action
Where Google Fiber chose to put their Charlotte office was a surprise: they re-imagined the typical high-tech office space by repurposing a more than 100-year-old historic post and beam building in an incredible adaptive reuse project. North Carolina-based Carolina Timberworks…