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Carolina Timberworks 2.0
The Experience of Living in a Timber Frame Home
Carolina Timberworks: Timber Framing Nashville
Solar Panel Carport
What the hell is a timber frame, anyway?
Carolina Timberworks Timber Frame Construction Process
Timber Porte Cochere
How to make a grand entrance and enjoy unloading groceries in the rain “The front desk had already made a great fuss of Johnny and Mary, lining up to greet him at the famous porte-cochère as soon as his splendid…
Our Home
The Grumpy Old Timberframer on… Bosses
Sheltering in This Place
I can’t go anywhere so I might as well enjoy what I’m looking at here by Matthew Morley Funny how, before a global pandemic made it mandatory, the idea of having more time to spend at home was probably high…
Interviewing a Timber Frame Company
The New Carbon Architecture: Our Book Review
Architecture that heals the planet? Buildings that pull carbon out of the sky? Can buildings be part of the climate solution? Bruce King thinks so, and shows us how we can soak up carbon from the atmosphere as we create…