What’s new, general information and frequently asked questions about timber frame and post and beam construction, inspired and beautifully built buildings, timber frame home design advice, what woods to use, and best practices. Check out our timber frame videos for a unique glimpse into our projects and methods. Use the form on the right to get our blog updates delivered directly to your inbox.
Biggest Horse Barn in the US
No, they won’t let you live there. https://vimeo.com/carolinatimberworks/largesthorsebarn This video generated lots of interest and questions in online discussions. Kaitlin Mitton did a great job answering the most-asked questions on Horse Collaborative (now Horse Network): This is in Wellington, Florida. It is…
Video tour of Carolina Timberworks’ Timber Frame Shop
Building a Custom Timber Frame Home: The Process
Barns for Sale
Sadly, the age of antique timber frame barns is drawing to a close. Put simply, time, the elements, and neglect are hard on old barns. There are lots of barns for sale, but most aren’t worth saving. At North Carolina-based…
Carolina Timberworks 2.0
It’s starting to feel a lot like a new beginning for the company… Building a state-of-the-art new manufacturing building this year. Relocating from Boone to West Jefferson, North Carolina, once the building is finished. Next up: a radical investment Carolina…
Carolina Timberworks New Shop in West Jefferson
Our late friend Merle Adams, founder of Big Timberworks, once said, “If the spokesperson for a product or a cause doesn’t practice what he or she preaches, then the opposite of what what he or she says must be true.”…
Timber Frame Construction vs. Post and Beam Construction
At first glance, timber frame and post and beam structures may appear similar. After all, both rely on heavy timber to create open spaces with exposed beams. Yet the difference between timber frame and post and beam construction is the…
Timber Frame Trusses Guide
truss, n. A collection of timbers or members forming one of the principal supports, as of a roof or bridge, and framed together so as to give mutual support and prevent distortion, as by the forces of gravity and wind…
how we do it | moving timber
Sometimes you have to do it the hard way: installing timbers when the roof is already in place. Whether you call it retrofitting timber or the hard way to build a timber frame, the idea is similar to building a…
The Grumpy Old Timberframer on… Power Tools
The Grumpy Old Timberframer on… Hand Drafting
What is the Best Wood for Timber Framing Projects?
We’re often asked, “What is the best wood for timber framing?” Although it’s estimated that 60% of timber frames in North America are built from Douglas fir, there are other timber frame wood species that may work as well, or…